Modi inaugurates Talai Mannar railway line

The newly built railway track between Madhu Road and Talai Mannar Pier covering a distance of 63 kms was commissioned by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a ceremony held at Talai Mannar Pier Station on Saturday.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chairman / MD Ircon Mohan Tiwari, Project Director Ircon S.L. Gupta and others at the Talai Mannar Pier Station for the inaugural train journey

Prime Minister Modi unveiled the plaque to mark the historic occasion and then flagged off the train at 1200 hrs. in the presence of Internal Transport Minster Ranjith Madumma Bandara, Commerce and Industry Minister Rishad Bathiudeen and Deputy Internal Transport Minister M S Thowfeek.

The train journey on the newly constructed track, funded under a soft Indian credit line, started from Talai Mannar Pier and ended at Madhu Road Station, with the distance being covered in a period of little less than 45 minutes.

The inaugural run of the train was attended by senior officials from the Ministry of Internal Transport, Sri Lankan Railways, Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau and the executing agency, Ircon International Limited. Ircon International Limited Chairman and Managing Director Mohan Tiwari was present himself at the Talai Mannar Pier Station to oversee the preparations for the inaugural run of the train. He expressed his satisfaction on the completed project and expressed his gratitude to the Sri Lankan government for entrusting such a mega project to Ircon and providing an opportunity to contribute in the development of railway infrastructure in Sri Lanka. The commissioning of train services up to Talai Mannar Pier which now establishes a direct train link with Colombo after a gap of more than 25 years, has fulfilled the much awaited dream of the people from these parts of the country. In future, this line is likely to provide a vital link to Sri Lankans vis a vis availing themselves of the ferry services for travelling to India.

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