From Kyoto to Kandy: JICA to share similar experiences to develop historic Kandy city

The Urban Development Authority (UDA) of Sri Lanka and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have commenced the study to formulate the urban development vision and detailed urban plans towards enhancing the attractiveness of Kandy as a historic and touristic city towards realising its unique socio-economic potential while preserving its ancient heritage sacred to Buddhists around the world.

The study is conducted under the technical cooperation from JICA. It will also support UDA to prepare urban design guidelines and regulations to protect the heritage city area and recommend sustainable systems and strategic investment proposal to implement the development plans. UDA will also receive training opportunities to enhance staff competencies.

Development plans, guidelines or regulations would be successful only if they were prepared in consultation with the stakeholders from the outset. As such, the study will include a number of public consultations and stakeholder dialogues towards awareness creation and consensus building.

“Similar to Sri Lanka, Japan’s history and culture have been strongly influenced by Buddhism from the time it was introduced to Japan in 6th century AD. Most Sri Lankan tourists who visit Japan do not miss our heritage cities such as Kyoto and Kamakura which are built around Buddhist temples. We are hoping to share our experiences in preserving the heritage and character of cities in a way to realise the economic potential especially through tourism,” commented JICA Sri Lanka Office Chief Representative Kiyoshi Amada.

Source :–JICA-to-share-similar-experiences-to-develop-historic-Kandy-city#sthash.Q9CG6vvK.dpuf

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