Top international tourism research confab opens in Colombo

A two-day international conference on hospitality and tourism management kicked off in Colombo yesterday, with the focus on finding practical and innovative solutions for challenges in the tourism sector. The event is organised by The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM) in association with Master of Tourism Economics and Hotel Management, University of Colombo, Management and Science University of Malaysia, Sri Lanka Conventions Bureau and the Sri Lanka Tourism Journalists Association.

Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa was the Chief Guest at the ceremonial inauguration whilst Investment Promotion Minister Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena and Sri Lanka Tourism Chairman Bashwara Gunaratna were also present. The conference is chaired by Prof. Sarath Kotagama of the University of Colombo and Dr. Chandi Jayawardana from Chandi J. Associates Consulting, Canada.

The keynote was delivered by World Tourism Organisation Head of International Relations and Resource Mobilisation Zoritsa Urosevic. An eminent panel of global and local tourism industry leaders and experts will share key insights at the conference. During its two days, the conference will help participants to find out the practical and innovative solutions to overcome problems and challenges faced by the tourism industry. Organisers said it is attended by representatives from over 20 countries and has brought together leaders of tourism, hospitality industries as well as educators, government, businessmen, researchers and scholars. Some of the topics the conference will take up include sustainability development, tourism policy, planning and governance, culture and heritage tourism, human resource development, information and communication technology, etc. The TIIKM has been organising over 15 international conferences within the country aimed at promoting Sri Lanka as the central point for sharing of knowledge in South Asia.

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