Sri Lanka Tourism, SLAITO set up 24-hour call centre for general elections

Sri Lanka Tourism and the Sri Lanka Association of Inbound Tour Operators (SLAITO) have decided to operate a 24 hour call centre from 17 to 18 August at the Sri Lanka Tourism Travel Information Centre in Colombo.
This call centre will be operated by a representative from each of the above organisations and the Sri Lanka Tourist Police.
It was decided to operate this 24-hour call centre with the intention of facilitating tourists /industry members. They are free to contact SLAITO Chief Operating Officer Wing Commander Kumuda Eramudugolla on 0777303402 or the following call centre hotlines in case of any eventuality during the general elections – 0768336656, 0767556656.

Source :–SLAITO-set-up-24-hour-call-centre-for-general-elections#sthash.dmWmCBFU.dpuf

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