Government to implement 25 recommendations to promote tourism

The Cabinet green-light has been granted to implement 25 proposals mooted by the Ministerial Sub-Committee on Tourism for tourism promotion.

Minister of Tourism and Lands Harin Fernando on Monday sought the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers for the implementation of the 25 recommendations submitted by the Ministerial Sub-Committee on Tourism.

The Cabinet of Ministers last month decided to appoint a Ministerial Sub-Committee headed by the Minister of Ports, Shipping and Aviation Nimal Siripala de Silva to identify the existing obstacles and opportunities to promote the tourism industry for economic revival and to make recommendations to the Cabinet regarding the steps to be taken to remove those bottlenecks and utilise the existing opportunities in the most effective manner.

The Cabinet Spokesperson Minister Bandula Gunawardena noted that the 25 recommendations include short, mid and long-term measures to revive and develop the tourism sector.

Among short term measures, he added that the main focus would be on communication to reassure travellers that Sri Lanka is a safe destination to travel.

The ministerial sub-committee, which is made up of six ministers is also tasked to coordinate diverse stakeholders in the public sector on tourism related matters and to provide required support.

In addition, the committee is expected to address the chronic coordination failures between numerous public agencies at all levels that have undermined the ability of Sri Lanka to effectively implement tourism strategies.


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