Tentative dates of the Kandy Esala Perahera 2013


The Sacred Tooth Relic (Dālada) of the Buddha is the most venerated object of worship for Buddhists. Its present house, the Temple of the Tooth Relic (Dālada Māligāwa) in Kandy, Sri Lanka is considered the foremost sacred place of worship in the Buddhist world.

Tentative dates of the
Kandy Esala Perahera 2013:
11th – 21st August 2013

2013-08-05Kapsituvima (Planting of the ‘Kapa’)
2013-08-05 to 2013-08-08Internal Perahera of Four Devales
2013-08-111st Kumbal Perahera
2013-08-122nd Kumbal Perahera
2013-08-133rd Kumbal Perahera
2013-08-144th Kumbal Perahera
2013-08-155th Kumbal Perahera
2013-08-161st Randoli Perahera
2013-08-172nd Randoli Perahera
2013-08-183rd Randoli Perahera
2013-08-194th Randoli Perahera
2013-08-205th Randoli Perahera
2013-08-21Day Perahera (Water Cutting Ceremony “Diya Kepeema”)


Source : http://daladamaligawa.org/

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