Lanka lax in marketing tourist attractions – Thai Ambassador

Sri Lanka needs a cohesive marketing strategy and campaign to promote tourist attractions especially in Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Kandy among Thai people, Thai Ambassador to Sri Lanka Noppon Adchariyavanich said.

Speaking at the fifth annual general meeting of Sri Lanka- Greater Mekong Subregion Business Council Adchariyavanich said branding of the destination should be correctly placed to attract more Thai visitors to Sri Lanka and so much could be done through the Thai media thereby publishing articles on Sri Lanka’s tourist attractions on Thai newspapers and magazines and the media.

“Sri Lanka has so much to offer to tourists and is blessed with so many interesting tourist destinations such as Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Sigriya. But Thai tourists visit only the Kandy temple as they are not very much aware of Sri Lanka’s other tourist destinations.

However, much publicity is being given in the Sri Lankan media on Thai tourist attractions as a result more than 70,000 Sri Lankan tourists visit Thailand every year.”

Adchariyavanich said Thailand and Sri Lanka could explore potential business opportunities in tourism, fisheries, agriculture, construction and consumer products.

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