Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Visit This Lesser-Known Tropical Island Country In Asia

It’s been a rough couple of years for Sri Lanka, but right now is a great time to visit this rugged, tropical, and beautifully diverse country.

The Sri Lankan people are warm and welcoming, and tourism can have a hugely positive impact on the local economy.

Plus, there aren’t many countries where you can have breakfast in a lush mountaintop tea plantation and then lunch on a tropical white sand beach.

Sri Lanka is a complicated country with a rich history that only makes it a more interesting place to visit.

So why should you be visiting now? Here’s why now is the perfect time to visit Sri Lanka:

Good Value On The Ground

Flying to Sri Lanka will never be as cheap as flying to other closer tropical destinations like Mexico or the Caribbean.

But once you’re in Sri Lanka, the value on the ground is exceptional.

The fall in the value of the Sri Lankan rupee means that now is an incredibly good value time to visit the country. The costs of tours, transportation, and accommodation are refreshingly affordable.

What’s more, many hotels have kept their prices at pre-pandemic levels which is pretty much unheard of in any of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, though taxes have risen in the country because of the economic crisis.

The average price for all hotels in Sri Lanka is $52 per night while the average price for a budget hotel is $21 per night.

Climate Considerations

Sri Lanka is a year-round destination for wildlife watchers and nature tourism.

The country is uniquely placed so that it experiences two monsoon seasons, meaning when one half of the country is getting a soaking, the other is dry, and vice versa.

But the best time for exploring the whole country is considered to be the shoulder season of September and October. This period offers the best weather right across the country, plus prices are lower and crowd levels are lower too.

For nature lovers, September sees 200-plus elephants gather in one spot in Minneriya National Park. Known as ‘the gathering,’ this event can last for several weeks and is an incredible thing to see.

It is referred to as one of Asia’s greatest wildlife spectacles.

Read here: https://www.traveloffpath.com/why-now-is-the-perfect-time-to-visit-this-lesser-known-tropical-island-country-in-asia/

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