Aerial whale watching has been widely acknowledged to be the most eco-friendly, nonintrusive way to observe these majestic giants

Trekurious, in partnership with Simplifly is offering travellers to Sri Lanka the unique and exclusive opportunity to take to the skies and experience non-intrusive whale-watching.

A first-of-its-kind experience in Sri Lanka, Aerial whale-watching offers travellers the best perspective to appreciate the visual treat of entire pods of Blue Whales and Sperm Whales, as they migrate along the Southern coast of Sri Lanka from December toApril.

While Sri Lanka has many whale watching excursions by sea, environmentalists have voiced serious concern about the stress caused to the whales due to the noise and fuel pollution from the many vessels crowding popular whale watching sites. Continuing to crowd the whales with hundreds of boats in an unregulated manner will result in the animals simply moving away and to find other migratory routes.

Launched by Trekurious and Simplify with the aim of promoting responsible tourism, aerial whale watching has been widely acknowledged to be the most eco-friendly, non-intrusive way to observe these majestic giants.

Sri Lanka is one of the few countries in the world where travelers can experience aerial whale watching, and it is an important step towards showcasing that tourism can co-exist with nature.

Operating from the Koggalla airfield, a few minutes is all that’s needed for guests to experience a unique widescreen perspective from the skies. The aerial viewpoint provided is a photographer’s dream, and the variety of marine life visible, from dolphins, to sea turtles to sting rays, is a treat for any naturalist. The return flight will take the traveller along the beautiful white beaches of Weligama. Sacred temples, vast mountainscapes and the fabulous Galle Fort are just some of the incredible sights that can be seen.

This December, Trekurious together with Simplifly gives you the chance to witness the deep blue’s most magnificent creatures from a pedestal in the sky. Take flight over Sri Lanka’s pristine southern coastline and witness a rhapsody in blue as majestic whales play on the ocean’s surface, large pods of dolphins skip in carefree frolic and sea turtles plod away in thoughtful meander. Ecofriendly and truly awe-inspiring.

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