Cabinet greenlights measures to bolster tourism

The Ministry of Tourism, in its recent efforts to boost international tourism to Sri Lanka, received a series of approvals from the Cabinet of Ministers this week.

Minister of Tourism and Lands Harin Fernando presented these proposals to enhance the country’s appeal to tourists and improve its competitive edge in the region.

The first approved proposal involves launching a pilot project to grant free tourist visas to visitors from seven countries. Tourist visas will be provided at no cost to travellers from China, India, Russia, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan until March 31, 2024. 

This initiative aims to keep pace with other Asian destinations that are striving to rejuvenate their tourism sectors impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, approval was granted for the introduction of a single payment package ticket that allows foreign tourists access to world heritage sites and historical places. The primary objective is to simplify the process for tourists, making it more convenient for them to visit these sites without the hassle of dealing with traffic. Under this new system, tourists can purchase tickets at the airport or online.

Additionally, tourists will have the option to buy railway coach tickets online or at the airport, providing a one-time ticket solution for their travel needs. These measures aim to improve the overall tourist experience and encourage more visitors to explore Sri Lanka’s cultural and historical treasures.

Source: Cabinet greenlights measures to bolster tourism – Breaking News | Daily Mirror

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