Mr. and Miss UK commend Sri Lanka for being ‘Destination of the Year’

Miss UK Natasha Hemmings and Mr. UK Chris Bramell, who visited Sri Lanka, commended the country for earning the ‘Destination of the Year’ title for sea and tea, conferred by The Sunday Times UK, the best selling newspaper in the UK which reaches 3.5 million on a multiplatform basis.
Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Chairman Dr. Rohantha Athukorala said: “Recent research on the British market revealed that 77% of the people made decisions on digital media with the competitor landscape being Mauritius, Seychelles, North Atoll of the Maldives and Sharm el-Sheik of Egypt. What was significant was that both celebrities were not aware of Sri Lanka at the time they won the titles in the UK, which tells us the marketing challenge we need to address with a cutting edge marketing campaign that has not happened for almost six years.”

Source :–and-Miss-UK-commend-Sri-Lanka-for-being-%E2%80%98Destination-of-the-Year-#sthash.aoCYuwqV.dpuf

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